Lillooet Learns!

      Zwatetcáls i Sát'meca!

Lillooet Learning Communities Society
Sát'mec Ull'usmíntwal' Szwátet.scal


Lillooet Learning Communities Society was established in 2002 in support of life long learning of individuals and community groups. We have a devoted cadre of volunteers. Our Constitution requires a Board of 50% St'at'imc members. We operate the Lillooet Restorative Justice Program, do education and support for FASD, developed a 'What if I get into Trouble' program of YCJA rights for youth, and developed a mentorship training program for volunteer youth mentors.

Our Constitution lists the purpose of the society to create a learning community by:

  1. building an enduring and sustainable community network that respects and promotes learning in all forms, for the benefit of learners of all ages in all communities in the Lillooet area;
  2. engaging the participation of individuals from all the communities in Society business and projects;
  3. facilitating partnerships and co-operation among the communities, in support of the lifelong learning of individuals, community groups, and the communities themselves; and
  4. contributing to public safety through the promotion and facilitation of restorative practices in the communities.

Please renew your membership or become a society member today:



Lillooet Restorative Justice Program is a program of Lillooet Learns!


Lillooet Learns is looking for a person to renew the Lillooet Restorative Justice Program, please contact for more information.